Saturday, April 27, 2013

Wekso And My Time In The Naso Territory

Some pictures of Wekso and the Old Panajungla Training Facility

Pictures of the Rio Teribe and beautiful Naso Territory

"I am very Naso and I fought for my land, and here I will die fighting for my land!"
-Esteban the father of one of my guides Jose

 One of my guides, Jose, and his family

One of the 6 dam constructions underway

A cool cocoon thing I found at the lodge...wish the pictures has come out clearer

Some of the ODESEN staff, Adolfo, and I on my last day

Friday, April 12, 2013

Costa Rica And La Universidad De Earth

The bridge at the Sixola border between Panama and Costa Rica that we crossed

Various photos of my time at my homestay in Costa Rica

Biodigestor that takes waste from the livestock to power the kitchen stove with methane. Earth University has an industrial size one that powers the campus with electricity


I always though pineapples grow on trees!

The infamous RED PINEAPPLE (it looks spray painted but it's real)

Coffee Nursery

Various pictures of La Universidad de Earth (Earth University)

Big pigs



Perezoso (Sloth...perezoso also means lazy in Spanish...fitting isn't it)

Pictures of the few minutes we had at the beach